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Welcome to Cloud Aerial Arts, the biggest and most popular circus studio in Manchester.

woman performing aerial lollipop move upside down in leggings
woman performs splits pole dancing trick in heels

Find out more about our classes such as pole dancing, aerial arts, yoga and gymnastics with classes for everyone.

Click here to see the class timetable. You can also create an account, buy class packs and memberships, or just book a drop in class

inside piccadilly manchester studio with silks, rope, aerial hoop and trapeze

We have the biggest studio in central Manchester - click here for the address and our What Three Words location.

aerial chains for sale in our shop

Chains, silks, aerial equipment and Cloud branded merch all here for the taking. Comfiest hoodies in the world!


  training tips, recipes, interviews and more  

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I spend 5 days a week at the studio after work and on weekends! It is hands down my favourite place to be in my spare time. All the teachers are amazing and some are now some of my closest friends.

Bethany E

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